oameni de cacat cu opere de arta plictisitoare in birourile lor aspirate de altii si cu conturile lor controlate de altii, cu farfuriile lor de bomboane neatinse de luni de zile ca sa ramana in forma pe scaunele lor de piele aduse de altii, cu holuri reci cu aer care trece prin ventilatie si inapoi cu aceeasi lipsa de pofta de viata ca ieri, ca alataieri, cu costumele lor impecabil calcate de altii, camasile impecabil spalate de altii, care nu ma mai angajaza ca si cum asta n-ar fi nimic... nimic, nimic.... other than my frustrated frustration.
cred ca voi inceta sa-mi mai caut ceva.
there must be a more fun way of making money.
once i can juggle well enough, i'll throw the balls as high as their windows. and it will take them half an hour to notice, something is out of their ordinary.
uneori cand trec pe langa birouri cu geamuri mari de sticla in spatele carora stau oameni frumos imbracati si tristi la calculatoare, am un impuls f puternic de a merge la geam, a le zambi si a le face cu mana. dar nu il ascult, ipulsul.
so sometimes i still wonder, like the old man at the bar in waking life... what is the most fundamental characteristic of mankind, fear ... or lasyness...
cred ca voi inceta sa-mi mai caut ceva.
there must be a more fun way of making money.
once i can juggle well enough, i'll throw the balls as high as their windows. and it will take them half an hour to notice, something is out of their ordinary.
uneori cand trec pe langa birouri cu geamuri mari de sticla in spatele carora stau oameni frumos imbracati si tristi la calculatoare, am un impuls f puternic de a merge la geam, a le zambi si a le face cu mana. dar nu il ascult, ipulsul.
so sometimes i still wonder, like the old man at the bar in waking life... what is the most fundamental characteristic of mankind, fear ... or lasyness...
dude, there's some peoples with rastas in town juggling on corso with some sort of hairy sticks
come back to romania, it's the place to be!
disclamer; there juglling rasta people don't seem to be doin very welll, nobody's payng attention(ce sa mai vorbim de bani), i wonder why they're still here...
Bai, imi place chestia asta. Poate pentru ca nu ma simt vizata sau poate pentru ca seamana cu Fight Club (da' acuma sa nu fugi sa infiintezi cine stie ce asociatie underground).
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